Greetings from All Saints of North America Chapel! We are part of the Orthodox Church in America, Diocese of Chicago and the Midwest, under His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel. Our Chapel is a dependency of St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral in Minneapolis, MN, under the Dean of the Cathedral, Very Rev. Andrew Morbey.
As Orthodox Christians, we worship God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in accordance with the Holy Bible and in the ancient Tradition of the Orthodox Church. We are seeking to establish a dynamic and growing community of Orthodox Christian believers in northcentral Minnesota to serve all who desire to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, in the fullness of the Christian Faith. Visitors and inquirers are welcome!
The Orthodox Christian Faith is the ancient faith of the Prophets and the Holy Apostles. The Orthodox Church, beginning on the Day of Pentecost in the first century, bears a vocation that is forever modern: to help everyone to sanctify themselves by repentance, humility and love in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit.
All services are in English. Please see our calendar for the service schedule. We invite everyone to come and see!